How to Stop Hair Loss Naturally
Men, and sometimes women, notice that their hair is thinning prematurely for several different reasons. Age, menopause, pregnancy, genetics, illness, and other factors all play a role in hair loss. Sure, you can use drugs like Rogaine, or you can go in for a hair transplant or fusion, but sometimes the easiest, most inexpensive solution, is to try to stop hair loss naturally.
Use egg and oil. Massage egg and oil into the scalp and leave on overnight.
◦Shampoo off in the morning with a mild, preferably herbal shampoo. Use shampoo only once as repetition removes the natural lipids of hair making it dry and brittle
Use egg & oil 2-3 times a week for at least 12 weeks for visible results. Regular, continued use is important for proper nourishment of the cell membranes.
Continue long term massage therapy of egg oil to prevent hairfall and graying. Discontinuing use may gradually bring back hairfall problems and resume graying.
Egg & oil is mess free and stable. It is a more convenient alternative to egg yolk masks and does not smell like raw egg yolks or cook in the hair during a hot shower. There is no risk of salmonella which could give you a scalp infection.